Postnatal Depression

Postnatal depression is the name given to depression that develops between one month and up to one year after the birth of a baby. It affects about 1 in every 7 women who give birth in Australia each year. It can also affect new fathers.

Bringing home a new baby typically demands huge changes and most parents go through an adjustment period. For most people, this time of adjustment will be temporary and will not be overly distressing.

Many women experience the “blues” the first few days after having a baby. This usually lasts only two or three days where you might feel tearful, anxious and perhaps moody.

When these feelings last beyond these early days and continue to get worse, it may be a sign of developing depression.


There are many signs that someone may be struggling with postnatal depression. Some of the more common ones include:

  • having a very low mood

  • feeling inadequate and a failure as a mother

  • having a sense of hopelessness about the future

  • feeling exhausted, empty, sad and teary

  • feeling guilty, ashamed or worthless

  • feeling anxious or panicky

  • having trouble sleeping, sleep for too long or have nightmares

  • worrying excessively about their baby

  • feeling scared of being alone or going out


Within our team Andreja specialises in treatment of postnatal depression.