Relationship Counselling

Every relationship has its challenges and it usually “takes two to tango.” However, a relationship can also be challenged when one partner is struggling with their life, has an addiction, or develops a mental health problem.

The aim of relationship counselling is to help you to find a new way to approach and work through the issues you are facing.

Common relational difficulties stem from

  • poor listening skills

  • lack of affection or differences in how affection is expressed

  • difficulties with assertiveness

  • infidelity

  • trust issues

  • stuck conflict about issues like parenting, money and family

  • outside pressures causing a lack of fun and communication, and/or making the relationship a low priority

  • addiction problems

  • lacking the skill to process hurt feelings.

Drs. John and Julie Gottman developed nine components of healthy relationships known as The Sound Relationship House Theory based on decades of research. John Gottman believes unprocessed hurt feelings are like stones in our shoes, we can limp along with them, but they will hurt like hell from time to time, and if you get enough stones in your shoes and enough painful bruises you eventually can’t continue to walk. 

Dr. Sue Leicester is a Gottman Certified relationship counsellor.